Sunday, June 27, 2010

Results of BS Wknd 2010


All in all, I have to say that these two showers were very painless! Finally, people are starting to do things right and skipping the stupid games and other pointless hooey. I mean, I was the maid of honor in Sock's wedding, so why would I allow any of that crapola?! I think I might have even told her that I refused to plan any sort of bridal shower game or allow any to go on. Yea, that's right people, I am strict with these bridal showers if I have a say in them! Since we think alike, this was just fine with her, thank goodness. I think there were a couple games that were supposed to take place at Jasmine's shower (yep..I spotted the 90 rolls of paper towels to "make a wedding dress") but, luckily, her shower got a bit of a late start so we didn't have time for them. ha!

My travels to these bridal showers, on the other hand, did not go so smoothly. I had my little carry-on suitcase on wheels, which had 55 glass coasters plus my clothes and spit in it. That weighed about 50lbs (I thought the coasters were lighter when I ordered them, oops). Then I had Jasmine and Sock's gifts to carry in 2 large gift bags (again, not sure what I was thinking). Before I even got in a cab to head to port authority, Jasmine's gift bag completely ripped so I had to carry her martini set and vodka in one hand, while Sock's gift was over my shoulder with my purse, and then drag my 50lb bag. I'm dragging all of this through PA, down stairs, up escalators, etc. Finally made it on the bus and arrive in Philly only to discover that one of the wheels on my suitcase completely broke off where it left a giant hole in the bottom. Juuuust peachy. Now I have to carry this little bitch bag with me along with Sock's gift. Not to worry because one of my gifts to sock was a cupcake mug that completely shattered at some point in my travelling. This was just not my weekend.

I will tell you that, while these were very successful showers, I am totally beat and bridal showered OUT! Not only is it tiring to go to 2 bridal showers in one weekend in 2 different cities while dragging a bunch of stuff with you, but it is down right exhausting to listen to how friggin' happy and in love(is that one word or two?) these girls are! Then you hear some other girls there that are already married talk about their weddings...I mean...I get it, I'm very happy for you, but my attitude after all these years is....BARF. It's getting harder to even act interested, especially when I don't know most of these girls and especially while I'm ridiculously hungover (shout out to Landy, Red, and the band!!! Super fun Friday night guys! BOMBS!!). Basically, they just add an extra dry heave. Next time, I should bring an airsick bag.

Overall, good weekend - great to see everyone, glad everyone enjoyed themselves - now it's time for BED!!

Capture the Dream

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