I keep a close circle of friends (let's hope that they stay that way after I get into writing this thing) and they have all had to sit through me telling them all about my odd and awful dates, my semi-relationships (god forbid, they are legit boyfriends) with men, as well as my gagillion bridesmaid experiences. Most of the time, they find these stories comical because that's how ridiculous they actually are. Other times, they probably want to smack me in the face and tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on. Okay, that's probably all the time, actually. You know what though? While I will admit that they may be right in some situations, most of them are already married, well on their way to be married, or have zero issues finding semi-normal men to have long-term relationships with. I, on the other hand, have serious problems in this department. I'm 28 years old and my longest real boyfriend was for 5 months, and that was when I was 18 years old (omg, I just felt like I was Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed). Needless to say, I am beyond frustrated at this point and I think I have every right to be. So all of you out there with your sweet boyfriends/husbands/fiance's and claim you want to live through me? Yea, you can all eat it.
Okay, sorry. Sometimes, I go on rants and don't know when to stop. I'm genuinely happy for all of my friends, I swear. I am honored to have been asked to stand up in all of their weddings (that's about 9, but who's counting..) and have had a blast! I even like most of the grooms! I really wouldn't have had it any other way. I just thought that I would have at least found someone for myself by now, is that so wrong? It gets pretty depressing going on bad date after bad date, being told that "something is missing" with me (stay tuned for that radness), to constantly have to plan someone else's wedding, someone else's bridal shower, someone else's bachelorette party, year after year after year.

Don't get me wrong, I know that my life is fun and exciting. Living in one of the largest cities in the world in my twenties has overall been amazing so far. It's not like I've been dying to get married since age 20 or anything because there is nooooo way I was even thinking about all of this back then. I actually don't think anyone should get married before 30, considering some of the stories I've heard (again, stay tuned). I'm so glad that I've gotten the opportunity to live my life the way I want it...travel when I want, go out when I want, not have to answer to anyone if I don't want to...okay, why lie, even if I do find someone, I will continue to live my life that way. I think it was around age 26 or 27 when I started to get sick of the totally ridiculous dates and started to wonder what the deal was here.
So maybe if I tell you about this crap and you guys read this crap, we can laugh it off (again for some of you) and actually move on like my friends tell me to do. Maybe some of you out there will even find this entertaining and can relate to it...then we can compare notes! Stay tuned for some fab stories about my past dates and bridesmaid experiences (NINE!!!).
Stay classy.
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