I went on this trip with my parents along with a large group of people from my mom's company at the time. These trips were a yearly occurrence with basically the same group of people and sometimes they would bring their kids too. Always a blast! Well, this time, one of the women brought her 2 son's with her and one of them took a liking to me (as they usually do). This would have been great if the guy wasn't a total NERD. We'll call him "Dad Jeans."
First of all, he had a pretty bad southern accent and that's never a good thing. Second, he had a side part in his hair. Third, his jeans were up to his armpits and his shirt was tucked in as tight as it could go. Hey...don't frown at me...I was 17 or 18 years old at the time, these things mattered!!! Dad Jeans was extremely nice, and we got along, but he was soooooo super clingy. This dude would not leave my side the entire trip and he was far too mature for me. He was all mega-genius and wanted to have "real" conversations all the time. Sorry Mr. "Let's get married, have kids, read the paper, drink coffee in the morning and discuss daily events"...I had some drinking to do.....and one of the other guys on the trip was cuter.
DJ was totally crampin' my style. This trip was also the beginning of my friendship with Ms. Corningstone, so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that we kept trying to ditch him...while probably searching for alcohol (side note: Had I known that Corningstone had never really drank before, I would have limited her intake of sambuca shots to save her from barfing over the side of the boat. Sorry Veronica, lock it up). Aaah, some things never change when Ms. Corningstone and I get together... Anyways, below is a priceless picture of us from one of the most memorable nights on the trip. You can probably guess which one is Dad Jeans...and Ms. Corningstone is probably an obvious pick too:
Just so you all know, Dad Jeans SLID across the table to get in this picture, which is probably why I look so uncomfortable and clenching my beer.

Courtesy of Ms. Corningstone after she read this and realized I missed the most amazing picture of all:
Need I say more? These are the men I attract...yes, still.
I'd also like to add that I really don't think I had a point with this entry, but I had to find a reason to include these pictures. Hope you had a good laugh!!
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