Monday, July 12, 2010

Ut-Oh! Part II

Where do I even begin with this one? I guess I should start off by saying that I had a total blast at my friend's wedding over the weekend. I don't know if it was because most of my good friends were there or if it was because the opening song was Together Forever by Rick Astley and I cut up some serious rug all night. It's a real toss up, let me tell ya! Seriously, the tunes were amazing. Kinda strange that there were glowstick necklaces and bracelets on the tables, but I was obviously having a grand old time with them.

As predicted, the wedding was a good old-fashioned shit show. Missela (I know that's not my nickname for you, but I'm stealing it for now) and I decided to have a glass of a very expensive boxed wine before the ceremony. After the ceremony, we went to a bar with everyone to waste some time before the reception and had a couple more drinks. I probably should have thought about the fact that all I had to eat before this was a bowl of cereal. An hour later, queue the reception.

Normally, the apps are shoved in my face and then we eat within the next hour. Apparently, all I saw was the bar and missed those appetizers and then we didn't eat dinner until almost 2 hours later. I didn't mind any of this at the time because I was movin' and groovin'. My stomach had a different opinion because it had me basically puking in the bathroom. You'd think that small bump in the road would affect the rest of my night, but no people, I am a true champion and I rallied!

Now, about the lovely triangle I once had with the newly-engaged couple who have such a solid marriage in their future. That was a little awkward at first because I didn't really want to talk to his fiance and I was relieved at first because we didn't talk at first. We didn't really know each other well enough where we would normally be all bff's and I'm just not a huge fan of the girl in general. Sure enough, within a little while she started chatting me up, pulling me on the dance floor and was being super friendly with me. Awkwarrrddd. So I tried to fake it and be friendly, but tried to keep my distance too because, well, come's just a bitch move. 'Cause that has stopped me before HA!

As for the guy, he would barely make eye contact with me until he got drunk. I suppose I don't blame him since he looks like a giant dog to everyone at this wedding (and I look bad-ass as usual). Oh, and his fiance was there...I guess that would be a reason too.

Here's the best part of the entire night. I had made plans to crash at Missela and Johnny Bravo's house after the wedding. I find out shortly into the reception that the happy couple will also be staying at their house. How friggin' cozy is that!? I don't blame them for letting the dipshits to stay because they are just being nice and after all, it's not their problem! However, I have to say that I was shocked that the slimeball still agreed to stay there even after he found out that I was going to be there. I meannnn, really? Is this fun for him? Luckily, she passed out right when we got home so I didn't have to sit there with her. Instead, it was just the 4 of us! HA! Even better. I will admit that it really wasn't as awkward, most likely, because his fiance was passed out. All of us just hung out and had a couple drinks until about 3:30am and it was fun! When everyone decided it was bedtime, I bolted to my room and shut the door because he still stayed up. Even though she was passed out on the couch downstairs, I really wouldn't put it past him to try something. No way was I about to put myself in that situation again!

See, aren't you guys proud of me? He still looks pretty hot and I was so well behaved!

Wait, I forgot. I need to comment on her dress. It wasn't as bad as the last one I saw her in, but it was pretty much gold spandex. She could have the dirty Jersey look down if she didn't blow it by having silver accessories with a GOLD dress and gold shoes. She even had the trashy dance moves down! Ooooo so close...maybe next time!

Shake N' Bake

P.S. - This has nothing to do with anything, but I just had to share the fact that the next morning, my other friend got engaged. The morning after that, I run into an old friend at the airport who just got married over the weekend and they are off to their honeymoon. Why do these situations follow me?


  1. BAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Can't. Breathe. TOO. FUNNY!!! The image of silver and gold gracing the dance floor Lambada-style is too much to bear. And Johnny Bravo here wants to know how he got the name Johnny Bravo. Ha!

  2. Johnny Bravo is his nickname because I remember he had that cartoon guy as his AIM buddy icon for years!! Don't even ask me why I remember that.

  3. HA! I love it - I totally figured it was the tight t-shirts and the muscles abound...and potentially the occasional Elvis voice. Lmao. Your reason is much more innocent than mine. Touché!
