Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shut The Hell Up!

Dear Boys~

If you are out somewhere at a bar, restaurant, wedding, whatever...and you see a girl that you might be interested in, by all means, go up and start talking to her. We ladies love this, assuming you are not a creepster and all.

However, if you are talking to her and she is kind of not paying attention to you, don't continue to talk to her...it's just plain annoying and it's not getting you anywhere. If two do start chatting and you ask for this ladies phone number and she says "no" the first time, do yourselves a favor and just back the F off. I don't care what excuse she gives you, it's for a reason that she is not giving you her digits. Most likely, she is just trying to get a free drink out of you, as I'm sure you have all figured out by now.

There are some of you guys out there who just don't know when to shut the hell up though. Perfect example: Two weekends ago we went to the bar after the reception and this guy comes up and starts talking to me and he was nice and all that crap, but he was also a decade older than me...and looked it. I told him that I'm just not interested in dating right now. Sure enough, the moron kept pushing and I finally said that I don't date people that are 10yrs older than me. Even THAT didn't get through to him. I was exhausted, drunk and not in the mood for this so I finally just gave him my digits so he'd shut the f up and flat out told him not to expect me to answer if he calls.

Sure as shit, he calls me FOUR times this past week. I finally answered last night and re-explained myself. What does he do? Analyze me, tell me why I'm wrong, what my problems are, why I should give him a shot, etc etc. One of his points of persuasion was "I'm not saying we have to have sex on the first date or anything..." Oh really? Gee, thanks for clarifying that, let's totally go out now!!! Idiot.

So gentlemen, do you see what I'm getting at here? Do ya smell what I'm steppin' in?? If a girl doesn't seem interested or is flat out blunt (like moi) and tells you what the deal is, just BACK OFF! And before you start telling me that girls do the same thing, times ten...yes, I'm aware. I'm sure I've done it myself, but I've learned from my mistakes...you should too. Pointing out the chicks flaws are not going to get you anywhere buckos, especially in the sack. So, please, just shut the fuck up.

Happy Dating.


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