Saturday, February 12, 2011

Relationship = Boring?

Ya know, I've been noticing more and more over the past couple of months that relationships/marriages just may not be all they're cracked up to be. Here's what I've cooked up...

Almost every time I have a conversation with someone who is in a relationship of some sort, I hear the same thing over and over again: "I'm old and boring now, I don't do anything." Or in most cases, replace "I'm" with "we." I mean, really? Is this what goes on in real relationships now? Because that kinda sucks if you ask me. Maybe they are just telling me this to make me feel better about being single? I don't know, but if anything, it makes me feel better about my situation.

These people are my age or around the same age as me and last I checked, I'm still young and most definitely not boring. Maybe a little bitchy sometimes, but NOT boring. People wonder why I'm so selective...ummm, this would be why kids. I need someone who is going to be able to keep up with me. I didn't exactly grow up in a family who just sits home all the time. My grandparents are turning 80 this year and are out dancing later than I am half the time! I say these people in their late 20's-early 30's who think they are "old" need to rip a page out of their book. Jeesh!

I'm thinking that my bitterness about being single could all be for nothing. At least that is what my latest mood swing is telling me...

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