You all love when my blog titles rhyme.So, this year is finally over and we're moving on to 2011 - a.k.a. The Year of Laine. In 2011, I am not in any weddings, will be turning 30 and will be throwing a huge b'day bash for myself in Vegas (you are all invited). I'm considering that to be my wedding. Seriously.Before I jump ahead, let's just go through some key points of 2010, shall we?- First and foremost, I made one of my biggest lifetime dreams come true. I met 4 of the 5 members of Aerosmith, hung out with them backstage, got pictures and albums signed, and sat front row resting on the stage as Steven's microphone scarves hung down in my face. Enough said! (You can find details about that day here)

- I collected 2 more bridesmaids dresses for my friends to wear at my wedding - ya know, 27 Dresses style (i.e. - Vegas).
- The amount of first dates that I had this year is a little ridiculous. The amount of second dates I've had this year is even more ridiculous! Some were fun, but most were just somewhat shocking to me. Please refer to prior postings for more details - more specifically, "The Lumberjack" and/or "Captain Pansy" haaa
- Stemming from the last point...I was told about 400 times that "weddings are a great place to meet people" and that "you should try online dating." Get outta town!!? Really?!
- Got rid of Polly for good - he was way too toxic for me and my life is much better without him. Sigh of relief!
- I became a Godmother to my best friend's kiddie!
- Discovered the awesomeness of Iceland. Still want to move to Europe...
- Witnessed 4 more of my friends get married this year. One of those weddings was an American/Indian wedding which was flippin' fantastic! Two of them I was in the wedding party. Ms. Corningstone's was very care-free and we got to go on a cruise for her b-party! WOOT!
Most of Vespa's bridal party was a pain in the ass to be perfectly honest. I have not written about that yet, but WOW were a couple of her b'maids friggin' treats. In a nutshell, they barely lifted a finger to help me plan anything, were planning to bail on half the bachelorette party, and then had the nerve to tear me to shreds after I informed the bride (since that's the point of being a MOH) what the deal was. Long emails short - they told me that I was the worst MOH, that I caused all of the bride's stress, and accused me of basically being an alcoholic. Funny.
Their argument was that I had an issue with possibly spending $250 on a flippin' bridal shower venue (not including decorations or gifts) 3 months prior, and was now asking them to spend $150-$200 on a bachelorette party that included 2 meals, favors, a 6hr wine tour, transportation to and from, FREE hotel room and dinner (clearly my alcoholism planned this and had nothing to do with what the bride wanted). They decided to tell me last minute that they had an issue with that and were going to peace out for half of it. I could understand, if we had to drop the $250+ on a bridal shower, I obviously would've balanced it out. Want to know what the shower ended up costing? Like $75 each. Huge break. So, I planned TWO b-parties for Vespa- one with her sister and I and another with her co-workers. Both awesome nights and those b'maids were not involved in either. Cheers.
- I have decided to retire from bridal parties. (See above)
- Started writing this blog. Definitely have taken some heat for some of it, and maybe some was deserved but ya know what? I'm fine with that. I think it's interesting that certain people (both friends and dudes) think they can walk all over me and then get mad when I suddenly decide not to take it anymore. I'm having all sorts of fun with this and most of you seem to be entertained!
See ya 2010!!