Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Okay, before I get into my usual rant about pointless dates and wedding talk, I promised Figure Skater that I would write a post just for her.

About a month ago or so, I met up with one of my loyal readers, Figure Skater, and her husband. They were in NYC for a wedding, of course. While we were chatting away she told me that one of my blog posts slightly offended her. This obviously didn't shock me, as I'm sure I've offended everyone who has read this at least 73 times.

The one that got her was when I wrote about how relationships = boring. You can go back and read it here, but I'll sum it up. Basically, I wrote about how I noticed that some couples, married or not, can be kind of blah. They are always talking about how "old and boring" they are because they have been together for so long, and that's not really something that sounds appealing to me. So, I was rethinking this whole relationship and marriage bidness.

It's not that I think all couples are boring. I mean, yes, there are plenty of dud relationships out there, but I do have fun with several couples. Figure Skater and her husband are definitely still one of those fun couples. We totes hung out for most of the day and ended it on the rooftop where we boozed it up. Jasmine and Aladdin are definitely a blast to hang out with, along with the rest of my close friends. I've managed to weed out the duds over time. Sounds awful, but it's true.

So, there it is. I will recall most of my blog post about boring people in relationships just for you, Figure Skater.

Now, it's back to bashing...muahahaha!

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